Emoji :wave: Welcome to the BSPH IRB Office
The mission of the IRB Office is to ensure the protection of the safety, rights, and welfare of all human participants in research studies conducted by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (BSPH) faculty, staff, and students in the U.S. and in countries around the world.
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) oversees two IRBs registered with the U.S. Office of Human Research Protections, IRB X and IRB FC, which meet weekly to review human subjects research applications for Bloomberg School faculty and students.
Emoji :satellite: Our Office |
The IRB Office |
Emoji :sparkles: About the BSPH IRB |
The major functions of the BSPH IRB are as follows:
Emoji :tada: Latest updates |
January 24, 2023NIH now requires researchers to submit data management and sharing plans with their grant proposals, which Data Services offers expertise on. Please visit Data Services at NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan Support page or contact dataservices@jhu.edu to schedule a consultation. Please also visit this link for more information about resources available for support. |
Emoji :mag: Where to find us |
Emoji :e-mail: The BSPH IRB Office is currently working remotely.
Emoji :speech_balloon: Emoji :e-mail: BSPH.irboffice@jhu.edu Emoji :iphone: |
We are always working to provide our faculty with current precise content. If you have brief suggestions to help us improve this page please comment below. For more extensive modifications please connect with us at BSPH.research@jhu.edu.