508 Compliance

508 Compliance

These best practices address the accessibility of information and communication technology (ICT) in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Researchers should consider these practices when publishing their research findings.

The term "accessible" refers to providing individuals with disabilities the same opportunity to access information, engage in interactions, and enjoy services as individuals without disabilities, in an equally effective and integrated manner, with comparable ease of use. Individuals with disabilities should be able to obtain information as fully, equally, and independently as those without disabilities (South Carolina Technical College, 2013).

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act assigns the responsibility to the Access Board for developing and enforcing this regulation. The Access Board is also tasked with providing technical assistance on Section 508 through webinars, training sessions, and close collaboration with the General Services Administration (GSA). Additional resources can be found on http://Section508.gov.

Section 508 mandates that federal agencies provide access to ICT that they develop, procure, maintain, or use. Examples of ICT include computers, telecommunications equipment, multifunction office machines (such as copiers that double as printers), software, websites, information kiosks, transaction machines, and electronic documents. The Section 508 Standards, which are incorporated into the Federal Acquisition Regulation, ensure access for individuals with physical, sensory, or cognitive impairments. However, these standards are designed to benefit everyone by promoting an inclusive digital experience.

Process Overview:

  1.  Inventory your information and communication technology (ICT)

    1. Review the business requirements of your project or acquisition to identify which major components contain information and communication technology (ICT). ICT items include such things as software, hardware, electronic content, support documentation & services. When conducting a procurement, review the Revised 508 Standards Applicability Checklist for each ICT item.

  2. Determine your ICT Exceptions

    1. Identifying whether you can claim an exception for information and communication technology (ICT) items in your Federal IT procurement or development project is the second step in determining how the Revised 508 Standards apply. This is important to ensure that any technology your agency buys or builds will be accessible. A full list of exceptions is detailed in the Standards under E202 General Exceptions. Use the Revised 508 Standards Applicability Checklist to document ICT exceptions.

  3. Determine which standards apply

    1. To ensure that any technology your agency buys or builds will be accessible, you must determine which of the Revised 508 Standards apply to your Federal IT procurement and development project. Identify which Standards apply to each information and communication technology (ICT) item:

      • Select the type of ICT, then answer the questions

      • If your ICT item falls under a single category:

        • Select the category that best fits, and only answer those questions

      • If your ICT item spans multiple categories (e.g., a VOIP IP solution that includes both hardware and software):

        • Answer the questions under each relevant category

      • Record your responses in the Revised 508 Standards Applicability Checklist (MS-Word, April 2018)

      Note, this step is not required if your entire ICT item is eligible for any of the exceptions (which you should have determined in Step 2), except the Best Meets exception. If only some components of the ICT item qualify for an exception, you must determine which Standards apply to the remaining components. 


Additional resources to learn more about accessible communication technology:

  1. HHS 508 Accessibility Conformance Checklist  

  2. Creating Universally Accessible Materials: Expectations of BSPH Faculty [PDF]

  3. W3C’s Guidance on Applying WCAG 2.0 to Non-Web Communications

  4. BSPH Website Help Desk Guidance:Accessibility

Training Offered by JHU Learning Solutions:

 Training Videos for Futher Guidance:

  1. BSPH Videos On Demand: Creating Universally Accessible Materials: Best Practices

  2. Accessibility: Considerations for Instruction at BSPH (11:53) [MP4] | transcript [txt] | presentation slides [PDF]

  3. https://ctl.jhsph.edu/blog/category/#accessibility: Accessibility Videos

  4. Creating Universally Accessible Materials: Best Practices for Everybody



Related Links:

Research Integrity & Oversight (Regulatory)


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