The NIH biographical sketch (commonly called biosketch) describes an individual's qualifications and experience for a specific role on the grant or project. It is required for all Key Personnel
How To: | The biosketch can be roughly broken down into four components: Header (Name, ERA commons name, position title, education and training)
Personal Statement Briefly describe why you are well-suited for your role(s) in this project. Relevant factors may include: aspects of your training; your previous experimental work on this specific topic or related topics; your technical expertise; your collaborators or scientific environment; and/or your past performance in this or related fields, including ongoing and completed research projects from the past three years that you want to draw attention to (previously known as research support). Other Notes:
Positions and Honors List in reverse chronological order all positions and scientific appointments both domestic and foreign, including affiliations with foreign entities or governments. This includes titled academic, professional, or institutional appointments whether or not remuneration is received, and whether full-time, part-time, or voluntary (including adjunct, visiting, or honorary). High school students and undergraduates may include any previous positions. For individuals who are not currently located at the applicant organization, include the expected position at the applicant organization and the expected start date
Contributions to Science For each contribution, indicate the following:
The biosketch is limited to five pages |
Resources: | For Johns Hopkins Related resources SciENcv can help you develop your biosketch and automatically format it according to NIH requirements. You will need an ERA commons id. |
Contacts: | |
Related Links: | |
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