Finding Funding Opportunities

From online databases to listservs, there are several ways to locate funding opportunities.

Cast a wide net

Federal funding agencies play a large part in supporting research. Beyond the key agencies, such as NIH, CDC, etc. there are many other foundations and agencies that fund research. Do not ignore opportunities within JHU as well as state and local foundations.

How To:

Sign up for NIH funding announcements

To Subscribe to the NIH Guide LISTSERV, send an e-mail to listserv@list.nih.gov with ONLY (remove automatic signature block and any other text) the following text in the message body (not the "Subject" line):

subscribe NIHTOC-L your name

(Example: subscribe NIHTOC-L  Bill Jones)

Your e-mail address will be automatically obtained from the e-mail message and add you to the LISTSERV.

To UnSubscribe to the NIH Guide LISTSERV, send an e-mail to listserv@list.nih.gov with ONLY (remove automatic signature block and any other text) the following text in the message body (not the "Subject" line):

unsubscribe NIHTOC-L

(Example: unsubscribe NIHTOC-L)

Your e-mail address will be automatically obtained from the e-mail message and remove you from the LISTSERV.









The best contacts are within your department. Your faculty mentor, department administrator or grants manager can assist.

Related Links:




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