Plagiarism Checking Software

Plagiarism Checking Software

Plagiarism is defined as taking for your own use the words, ideas, concepts or data of someone else without giving proper credit. JHU takes plagiarism seriously. Students caught plagiarizing can face a range of sanctions from failing an assignment to being asked to leave a program. JHU requires academic excellence through original thought and the respectful sharing of ideas. Plagiarism undermines this goal. Through this guide and the associated online course, learn more about how you can avoid plagiarism in your academic career and beyond. 







JH Sheridan Libraries

Sheridan Libraries offers a range of tools for faculty as they relates to plagiarism. FAQs, training, preventative techniques, and other resources can be found through the link.

Guides: Avoiding Plagiarism: Avoiding Plagiarism at JHU


The Schools of Arts & Sciences and Engineering participate in a JHU contract for services from Turnitin.



SafeAssign is a plagiarism prevention service, offered by Blackboard for both students and instructors. It helps students identify how to properly attribute sources rather than paraphrase. It helps instructors prevent plagiarism by detecting unoriginal content in student papers.



Plagiarism scans, instant citations, grammar checks, and expert proofreading - at your fingertips

Essay Checker

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