ORCID Registration and JHED   

ORCID Registration and JHED   


ORCID, Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a global nonprofit organization that provides a digital identifier that distinguishes you from any other researcher. Your ID can be linked to your JHED, grants, and publications.


  • Creating an ORCID and linking it to your JHED allows third parties to see all your publications and grants, making you a more competitive grant applicant and providing the School with more accurate data on affiliated grants and publications.

  • The ORCID Lottery will take place at the end of the summer. Three JHED-affiliated ORCIDs will be drawn to receive one of three gift cards to the Daily Grind. 

TO DO (5 minutes):

  1. Create an ORCID and link it to your JHED if you haven’t already.

  2. See the ORCID @ JH Video Series  or the ORCID webpage for more information, or contact the Welch Informationists if you have any questions.

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