Sponsored project agreements support the conduct of research, instruction, service, and other scholarly pursuits. Funded agreements include an approved budget with direct and indirect costs (also referred to as Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs. Direct costs are those readily identifiable and necessary for successful project conduct while F&A costs support the project by supplying facilities (building depreciation, physical plant, library expenses) and administrative costs(general administration, student services). This guide seeks to clarify how to assess and apply the correct F&A cost rate for a sponsored project.
How To: | Identify Sponsor Type and Key Proposal Elements to apply the correct rate:
Resources: | Department Administration (Administrator or PreAward Grants/Contracts Manager) JHURA Brown Bag: https://jhura.jhu.edu/filter_items/how-to-apply-and-calculate-fa-and-fringe/ Controller’s Office (Cost Analysis) https://finance.jhu.edu/depts/cost/ca_rate_agree.html Bloomberg Divisional Business Office (DBO) |
Contacts | Divisional Business Officer, Patrick Cornelison pcornel4@jhu.edu |
Related Links: | Johns Hopkins University Research Administration: https://jhura.jhu.edu/filter_items/how-to-apply-and-calculate-fa-and-fringe/ Bloomberg Divisional Business Office: https://my.jhsph.edu/Offices/FinancialOperations/sponsored/Pages/default.aspx |
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