Research Animal Resources (RAR) is Johns Hopkins’ centralized provider of veterinary medical care and research animal support.
Emoji :mouse: Notice for Investigators
JHU Animal Facilities comply with PHS policy and USDA regulations to ensure the responsible use of animals for research. Many of our researchers are working to develop new and cutting edge drugs and devices that have the potential to improve clinical care and may have plans to eventually seek approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to test such drugs or devices in humans. The FDA requires that sponsors of Investigational New Drug applications or Investigational Device Exemptions who submit animal data in support of their applications verify that the animal studies were carried out in accordance with Good Laboratory Practice ("GLP") regulations outlined at 21 CFR Part 58. These regulations include a number of specific requirements that are best suited to testing laboratories specifically set up to conduct GLP studies. At the present time, JHU animal facilities are not compliant with all aspects of GLP regulations, and studies conducted in our animal facilities cannot be represented as GLP. If you have questions about this policy or are planning an animal study with the potential of applying for FDA approval, please contact the RAR Director at 410-955-3273.
How To: | Animal Orders:
To obtain access to central animal facilities: All investigators and laboratory personnel must be on an approved JHU animal protocol and complete specific training to be given access to the animal facilities.
Resources: | Helpful Tips: All animals are purchased through HopkinsONE. The approved order must be received by Research Animal Resources (RAR) by TUESDAY AT 5PM to receive animals the following week. Orders with issues of any kind (lack of availability or space, incorrect billing information, etc.) will be scheduled for two weeks later. Investigators will be informed as soon as possible if delivery is delayed. For inquiries regarding animal orders, contact 410-955-3273. All animal research must be approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC). To assure this, investigators are asked to provide the approved ACUC protocol number any time they place animal orders. The number of animals purchased will be debited from the approved number allotted in their protocol. Once the approved number is reached, the protocol must be amended to request additional animals. Occasionally an investigator wishes to receive animals from private sources or purchased through another institution. These may only be received if the investigator notifies RAR in advance to obtain health status, determine if quarantine or testing is required, and to confirm housing availability. Animals are delivered to Johns Hopkins at a central receiving dock. After arriving, animals are checked for accuracy and condition and then sent out by RAR staff to the proper animal facility for housing. Any animals arriving without an Animal Resources purchase order number will not be delivered. |
Contacts: | General Information: 410-955-3275 Email: 720 Rutland Avenue |
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