

Our Research Marketplace allows users to create an account and share or seek needs and wants such as people (FTE), supplies, or equipment.

How To:

  1. Click here to sign up for an account

  2. Fill out the the info on the identification page, then confirm

  3. Once account has been confirmed you can begin creating listings by filling out the form and specifying the desired category.

  4. Your listing will go through a brief approval process that will take 24-48 hours before going live. Listings are automatically set to expire after 4 months.



  • FTE to share/sought- Share or seek part-time FTE percentages for specific roles

  • Supplies to share/sought - Have extra supplies/reagents to share or are you looking for specific supplies/reagents? List in this section on the marketplace.

  • Equipment to share/sought - Have extra lab equipment to share or are you looking for specific equipment? List in this section on the marketplace.



Related Links:

  Using Randstad as alternative hiring path


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