Versions Compared


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  • Consulting

  • Compensated publishing/editing/authoring

  • Clinical care/practice

  • Board of Directors

  • Founder/Officer/Manager

You must disclose the following financial interests in ANY entity, whether non-profit or for-profit:

  • Inventor of licensed technology

  • Receipt of income from licenses, whether equity, royalty or other

  • Entitlement to equity and/or royalty

 Some exceptionsSpeaking, Lecturing, and Teaching MUST be disclosed if provided to private entities or foreign (non-U.S.) entities. Service on Advisory Committees, Boards and Review Panels also MUST be disclosed if provided to private entities or foreign (non-U.S.) entities.


Service on Advisory Committees, Boards and Review Panels ; and Speaking, Teaching, or Lecturing when provided to a U.S. state, federal or local government agency, teaching hospital, medical center or institution of higher education or related research institute does NOT have to disclosed. Speaking, Lecturing, and Teaching MUST be disclosed if provided to private entities or foreign (non-U.S.) entities. Service on Advisory Committees, Boards and Review Panels also MUST be disclosed if provided to private entities or foreign (non-U.S.) entities.

You must disclose the following financial interests in ANY entity, whether non-profit or for-profit:

  • Inventor of licensed technology

  • Receipt of income from licenses, whether equity, royalty or other

  • Entitlement to equity and/or royalty

According to University policy, disclosures should be made before engaging in outside activities or acquiring financial interests. In addition, once a year you will be asked to certify that your disclosures are up to date.
