How to | Subaward Paperwork Department enters data into checklist system for a new subagreement or modification to existing Department uploads all relevant documents to checklist - Budget, justification, payment schedule, scope of work Department requests 9610 number to set up a shopping cart if a new subagreement
Subaward Preparation JHURA receives notice that checklist is submitted, then evaluates paperwork and assigns checklist to subs team member (STM) STM analyzes checklist, attachments, and reviews prime award STM drafts subagreement and submits draft for internal review
Subaward Negotiation STM sends draft to subsite for review and negotiates subsite returns revisions for STM approval STM approves/rejects revisions, email site with explanation/clean draft
Subaward Execution STM receives signed copy from subsite (PE) to associate director for final review and signature Associate director reviews, signs and dates agreement (FE). STEM then approves SC for PO for new; updates PO for mod by adding line STM send FE to department and subsite
Resources | https://jhura.jhu.edu/subawards-2/what-we-do/ Subrecipient Determinations and Subrecipient Monitoring Resources: Uniform Guidance Definitions: · Subaward 2 CFR 200.92 · Contract 2 CFR 200.22 · Contractor 2 CFR 200.23 · Subrecipient and Contractor Determinations 2 CFR 200.331 JHU Resources and Tools: · Subrecipient Determination Form · Sub vs. Contractor Quick Guide · Subrecipient Monitoring Policies and Procedures FDP Resources: · FDP Resource Page: Includes FDP Subrecipient vs. Contractor Checklist in both pdf and Excel formats Consultants: · NIH Definition (“Allowability of Costs/Activities -- Selected Items of Cost”) Professional Services and Salaries https://jhura.jhu.edu/subawards-2/faqs/ |
Contacts | The Subawards team is responsible for drafting, negotiating and managing outgoing Subagreements. The Subawards team works in conjunction with the department administrator, the Office of Finance and the Controller’s Office to ensure the proper agreement is executed with a subrecipient and helps to ensure risk mitigation and proper stewardship of research funds issued to collaborators. JHURAs subaward team:Mora Harris Associate Director mharr154@jhu.edu 667-208-8792 Jennifer Hopkins Assistant Director of Subawards jentren@jhu.edu 667-208-8793 Martin Domack Subawards Specialist mdomack1@jhu.edu 667-208-8781 Mariama Diallo Sponsored Projects Specialist mdiallo9@jhu.edu 667-208-8873 Jennifer Knaupe Subawards Associate jhipp1@jhu.edu 667-208-8874 |
Related Links | https://jhura.jhu.edu/subawards-2/what-we-do/ |
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