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Core for Clinical Research Data Acquisition (CCDA)

The Core for Clinical Research Data Acquisition (CCDA) assists researchers with accessing clinical data for research purposes. The CCDA is staffed with experienced data analysts who will assist you with access to data while also helping you comply with Data Trust privacy and security regulations.


TriNetX is a self-service web-based data exploration tool which helps clinical researchers to define a patient cohort using inclusion and exclusion criteria and to explore cohort attributes.

Accrual to Clinical Trials (ACT)

The ACT Network is a real-time platform allowing researchers to explore and validate feasibility for clinical studies across the NCATS Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) consortium, from their desktops. ACT helps researchers design and complete clinical studies, and is secure, HIPAA-compliant and IRB-approved.

Core for Clinical Research Data Acquisition (CCDA)

The Core for Clinical Research Data Acquisition (CCDA) assists researchers with accessing clinical data for research purposes. The CCDA is staffed with experienced data analysts who will assist you with access to data while also helping you comply with Data Trust privacy and security regulations.

Informatics Grant Text

Text that investigators are encouraged to use for their grants.

Informatics Letters of Support

Information about how to receive letters of support on official letterhead.

Informatics Study Recruitment

ICTR Informatics Core provides multiple tools and services for study recruitment including SlicerDicer, Core for Clinical Data Acquisition (CCDA), Epic MyChart patient portal, and PACE

Program to Accelerate Clinical Research using EPIC (PACE)

PACE was established to help clinical researchers take full advantage of tools within the EPIC Electronic Health Record system for their research projects.
”We design and build customized EPIC content for your project to enhance the efficiency and standardization of the data collection process and improve data quality”.

Find a Collaborator

In an effort to synergize inter-disciplinary clinical and translational research, Johns Hopkins University (JHU) is committed to using innovative research tools and information technologies to promote collaboration regardless of organizational affiliation or position within the bench-to-bedside-to-population spectrum of science. This expertise portal is a key component of Johns Hopkins University (JHU)'s mission to catalyze the application of new knowledge and techniques to clinical practice at the front lines of patient care.

Clinical Research Management System

CRMS is a web-based tool designed to organize and streamline clinical research management designed to improve communication among study team members.

EPIC for Research

The Epic Medical Record System has multiple features to support clinical research at Johns Hopkins.

International Laws on Data

Compare data protection laws around the world

Specimen Tracking

OpenSpecimen is a Biospecimen Information Management System that is a scalable solution for a biorepository which meets the needs of a broad group of investigators and biobanks.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a programming technique to find and extract data of interest from text documents.

Data Deidentification

Data deidentification involves the removal of personal identifiers such that the data cannot be re-identified.

Research Registry

Guidance regarding what constitutes a registry and the technical standards that must be met by such registries.

Vivli Data Sharing Platform

A user-friendly, secure, state-of-the art data sharing and computing platform.

Mobile App Solutions

Guidance regarding the creation and branding of apps at JHU.

Data Informatics Services Core (DISC)

The Data Informatics Services Core (DISC) collaborates with research faculty and staff from the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, offering several options for this collaboration depending on the researcher's needs and interests. Includes assistance in developing and implementing, or reviewing, data capture tools and data management systems.

Library Departments

The five Sheridan Libraries — the Milton S. Eisenhower Library, the Brody Learning Commons, the Albert D. Hutzler Reading Room, the George Peabody Library, and the John Work Garrett Library — provide the major research library resources for Johns Hopkins University.

Welsh Medical Library Services

Welch services are available to faculty, staff and students in academic departments and affiliated hospitals and clinics of Johns Hopkins University and Medicine. Includes: Citation Management, Evidence Based Practice, Scholarly Publication, Seeking and Managing Grants, Systematic Reviews, Teaching and Course Administration, Tracking Research.
