How to book travel through Concur **Note: Concur still requires employees to pay for their travel and submit for reimbursement even when booking through the application. You can apply for a department JH Travel Card to use for travel purchases by making a request to | log into Concur and navigate to the Trip Search section on the homepage. If you require privileges to book on behalf of guests you can email to request this permission to be added to your profile.
Fill in the desired trip info to search flight, train or hotel. Expenses must be submitted within 60 days of the transaction date or reimbursement becomes taxable. Airfare/Rail/Hotel reimbursement can be requested in advance of the completion of travel only if using the Concur online booking tool or one of the University’s contracted travel agencies (World Travel Inc. or Safe Harbors).
Image ModifiedSelect all desired travel accommodations (i.e., departing/return flights, hotel, car, etc.) When possible flights should be booked at least 14 days in advance or additional approval may be required.
Review traveler information, travel accommodations and select payment method then reserve flight and continue. Follow closing steps on the page to finalize trip.
Contacts | For questions about booking travel through concur contact: If you have an emergency or need immediate assistance while traveling outside of normal business hours, please call the World Travel Inc. agent team at 888-433-2556 or if you are calling from outside the United States, please call +1 484-348-6310. |