Copy of SAP Online Payment Requests

Online payment requests are made to accounts payable so they can print and mail a physical check to pay a vendor after services have been rendered to the school. Online payment requests are submitted through the SAP portal which can be accessed on MyJH under the technology tab.

How to Pay an Invoice via check request

  1. Log in to the SAP portal through a desktop icon or through MyJH under the technology tab.

  2. Click on the Online Payment Request Icon on the top ribbon of the SAP home page (shown below). A park vendor invoice form should appear.

  3. Begin filling out all required fields on the form using the invoice provided by the vendor.

    1. Vendor number - click on the magnifying glass to search by vendor name if you don’t have the number.

    2. Invoice date

    3. Reference number - unique identifier created by you to search for the invoice. People often use the invoice number if one is provided on the invoice.

    4. Document Type - select ZZ (Check Request)

    5. Enter amount charged

  4. Scroll down to enter a line item (shown below)

    1. You must enter the GL account number, the amount charged (again), and the cost center number.

  5. Once the park vendor invoice is completed, click the save parked document button (shown below) on the top ribbon and record the document number that should appear in the bottom left corner of the screen after the document has been parked. The document number is often tracked and used for record keeping purposes.

  6. To finalize the online payment request and submit for approval you will need to attach a copy of the invoice. To retrive the parked document use the tree navigation on the left side. The document should appear under the parked document tab (shown below). Double click on the document to open.

    1. Once the document is open a new ‘Services for object’ icon will appear at the end of the top ribbon (highlighted below).

    2. Click the icon, than create, than store business document, than general attachment. You will be prompted to upload and name a document from your computer files. Upload the respective invoice and click the save as completed button (shown below) on the top ribbon to submit your invoice and complete the process.


Helpful Tips:

  • In order to use online payment request to pay a vendor, the vendor must already be an approved vendor in the SAP system. See attached instructions to initiate adding a vendor to the system, if appropriate.

  • Certain departments have specific tracking methods in place to help reconcile budgets as charges post. Check with your department administrator on the preferred method of tracking.

  • SAP Online Payment training is required before access to SAP is permitted. Contact learning@jhu.edu for available training classes.

  • If an invoice is denied due to errors on the park vendor invoice, you will recieve an email from your departmental approver with directions on what to correct. The invoice will need to be save as completed again after corrections have been made.

  • List of all school GL account numbers


SAP Help Desk: https://jhuprocureprod.service-now.com/

SAP Content Suggestions https://forms.jh.edu/view_secure.php?id=151631.

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